Personal Details
First name: Emil
Middle name: Valeriev
Last name: Ivanov
Gender: Male
Birth date: 24.04.1992
Citizenship: Bulgaria
Where do you currently live? Varna
Work Experience
Duration: November 2022 - Till now
Job title: .NET Developer
Company/Organization Alcor Soft
Business sector: Information Technologies
Location: Sofia / Remote
Company size: 20-50
Work Experience
Duration: March 2017 - November 2022
Job title: C# / Java Developer
Company/Organization Flat Rock Technology
Business sector: Information Technologies
Location: Varna
Company size: above 300
Duration: September 2016 - January 2017
Job title: JS Developer
Company/Organization Shopmetrics Europe Ltd
Business sector: Information Technologies
Location: Varna
Company size: 100-300
Duration: June 2014 - August 2014
Job title: Service technician
Company/Organization "Stanev DM" Ltd.
Business sector: Information Technologies
Location: Varna
Company size: from 5
Duration: January 2014 - April 2014
Job title: Maintenance
Company/Organization University of Shumen "Bishop Konstantin Preslavski"
Business sector: Education
Location: Shumen/Remote
Company size: 100-300
Duration: June 2012 - September 2012
Job title: Support staff
Company/Organization LC Waikiki
Business sector: Trade
Location: Varna
Company size: 20-50
Duration: October 2015 - June 2016
Major: Business information systems
Level: Master's degree
School: University of economics - Varna
Location: Varna
Description / Main subjects: C# programming, Development of web applications and services, Maintenance and development of information systems, E-business, Business process management systems, Data mining and others
Duration: September 2011 - June 2015
Major: Business information systems
Level: Bachelor's degreee
School: University of economics - Varna
Location: Varna
Description / Main subjects: Programming, Databases, Web Design, Design of Information systems, Software engineering, IT project management, Corporate information systems, Information and communication technologies in the financial sector and others
Duration: September 2006 - May 2011
Major: Humanitarian profile
Level: Secondary school
School: High school " Kiril and Metodii"
Location: Smolqn
Description / Main subjects: English, German, History and others.
Mother tongue: Bulgarian
English: Comprehension Speaking Writing
Fluent Intermediate Fluent
Computer skills: Professional experience: 6m+ (C#, .NET, ASP.NET, Blazor framework, Entity Framework, MS SQL, Web APIs, GitHub, Jira), 2y+ years C# (Scrapy), 2y+ Java Script (Puppeteer + Form interaction events, JQuery, ExtJ, HDChart), 5y+ Java (scrapping).
Web scrapping (5y+). Scrapping software. Excellent understanding of the retailer websites structure, APIs, and how they are working and secured (bypassing tokens, headers, and cookies).

Other experience: React JS, .NET(Win forms, Web forms), PHP and Bootstrap.
Skills: Logical thinking, Creative thinking, Responsibility, Hardworking, Communication skills, Ambitiousness, Creativity, Sociability, Loyalty, Calmness
Have you managed people: Yes
Number of people you have managed: 12
Driving License: B
Additional Courses and Certificates
Additional Courses: CCNA Routing and Switching: Introduction to Networks
(Certificate for student practice held in a real working environment №237803)
Employee of the year 2021
Certificate for excellent master's degree (6.00)
Certificate for excellent bachelor's degree
Additional Details
Projects that I have developed: All projects could be seen in the Project section of the main menu
Desired job: C#/.NET Developer